Custom Kitchen Tables
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Come by our shop and meet our team & owner. We will show you what we are currently working on, explain our process, talk you through your project, show you stains and wood samples, and more!
Order Stain Samples
Order NowUnable to swing by the shop? No worries!
We ship across Canada! Not everyone gets the chance to come by the shop to pick out stains in person. We will mail them to you!
If you decide to place an order we refund your cost associated with the stain samples!
From Our Customers
TestimonialsRyan R."You matched our space perfectly. We are very happy with the craftsmanship"
- For a Canmore rental property with large wooden beams, we matched the color and feel perfectly
Melissa R."You did not charge us enough for this table! Raise your prices!"
Janelle"Hey Jarrett I just wanted to say thank you :) the table is beautiful and exactly what I pictured. The bench is also perfect with that black hole filled white. I will get you pictures tomorrow...."
Bruce"This table is ******* perfect! Thank you so much!"
-Customer provided us with a stain to match their maple cabinets in their new home